graphic design
Sara Roy is a Catalan singer and songwriter from Manresa (Barcelona) supported by the prestigious Catalan record label Halley Records. In 2021 she released her first record, an eleven-song album titled “(A)MAR” through which she showcases her soul and essence.
Photography: Clara García Garcés
MUA: Montse Soler Cots
Poster design for Sara Roy's summer concerts tour titled "Gira de Cançons d'Amor" (Love Songs Tour).
Sara Roy is a Catalan singer and songwriter from Manresa (Barcelona) supported by the prestigious Catalan record label Halley Records. In 2021 she released her first record, an eleven-song album titled “(A)MAR” through which she showcases her soul and essence.
Photography: Clara García Garcés
MUA: Montse Soler Cots